Long Term Care
I was one activity of daily living away from a long term care claim!
Peachie Thompson · November 10, 2023
I was one activity of daily living away from a long term care claim!
I never dreamt in my worst nightmare that I'd ever say the above as a 40 something years old! As most of you may know, I live a pretty busy and active life. I play beach and indoor volleyball a few days a week in addition to my usual "mom/wife/family/friend/boss-lady/good-citizen duties". At work, my meetings and presentations, are mostly done in the office just like when doing insurance matchmaking in front of a computer - sitting down or standing up still (I have a sit and stand desk) - for hours at a time.
Have you ever hurt your back?
I spent way too much time indoors (sitting in front of my computer) instead of being active over the summer due to the extremely hot summer we recently had here in Florida. One day in early September -while doing yoga, my piriformis muscles decided to "tighten up" (the humbling details is a story for another day). It caused back pains that tightened up other muscles that were hitting a nerve that were causing me to have pains up and down my legs in addition to the back pain.
From 60 mph to 0
I could not do my normal stuff, I had to stop playing volleyball,too! When I laughed or coughed, it was painful. When I raised my hand/s, it was painful. When I tried to bend to touch my toes, it was painful. When I tried to stand up, roll-over, sit or lay down, it was painful. I began to walk like a really old lady, sorta bent over a little bit but not really because everything was painful! The only comfortable position was laying on my stomach! It became impossible for me to "transfer" in and out of a chair or bed. One day, I watched one of my daughter's basketball games and I could not get up from the bleachers on my own because it was too painful. That was the day I checked off the "one activity of daily living" and also the day I told myself that this cannot continue!
From 0 to 60 mph
So, I started taking "walk breaks" during the work day. First, it was around the house, then it was around the block then around the neighborhood. My office is not too far from the house so I would go back and forth! I did a bunch of stretching afterwards and just did my normal activities "with some pain that eventually just turned to some discomfort". Coincidentally, I delivered a few long term care policies in person during this time and it was a hoot telling my clients about what is going on with my back! In about two weeks of consistent walking, stretching and just doing normal stuff through some discomfort, I was back on the sand, hitting volleyballs! I did all this without pain medications.
A wake up call
The whole ordeal took 3 weeks from the time I felt the first pain and the time I was back on the sand playing volleyball without much discomfort. Some say I'm lucky because that was pretty quick. For me, those 3 weeks were a lifetime. I joke about how I was one activity of daily living away from a legitimate long term care claim - but the truth is that, I truly was! The sad part is that I'm in my early 40s and "think" that I am pretty active for my age. Well, you can be sure that I am out there again more active than ever and doing more for my health because I never ever want to feel that way again.
Why did I share this embarrassing story with you?
It's long term care awareness month. I thought I'd make your day by sharing a story with you that is sorta funny but not really funny! Ha! Moral of the story: Long Term Care insurance is not just for old people!
Ask me about how cheap long term care insurance is when you're 40 something years old! contact@peachinsurance.net or if you or your clients are above age 59, ask me how you can fund a policy and also have long term care insurance with real tax benefits! Let's chat about securing your peace of mind.
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