Together with two awesome fellow working women, I recently co-founded a women's group in our community called Women Empowering Women with the goal of helping all local women professionals meet new friends, have a place for work related discussions, professional development or simply find a “tribe” of fellow working women. We meet once a quarter and our next meet-up is coming up soon.
During our inaugural meeting back in March, we had a fabulous time meeting new friends. over 20 gorgeous ladies attended, our very own Peach Insurance Services team member Tara went home with some cash prize and people stayed to close the restaurant well past the event ending! I was so proud of all the attendees especially the ones that came and expressed how difficult it was for them to come out then put themselves out there.
Lots of women are excited for our upcoming event. Check out this invitation:
I want my tribe of ladies to feel comfortable at this upcoming speed-networking meeting so I am writing this blog to help prepare our attendees as well as our readers who may be first time "speed-networking event attendees" and find this post helpful.
What is speed networking?
Speed networking is a structured and fast-paced networking event allowing participants to interact with others, generally in a series of brief one-on-one information exchanges. Participants are allowed a short amount of time to meet new people, ask questions and share information.
Why attend a speed networking event?
This type of event can provide exposure to a lot of people in a short amount of time. It is a way to let others know who you are and what you are looking for, whether new friends, customers or clients, business or sales leads, or a new job or internship.
Preparing for a speed networking event
- Practice your “elevator pitch” aka 60-second statement that includes your name, occupation and what you want to get out of the event.
- Get your business cards ready. Bring at least 30 and adjust depending on event size.
- Bring any resumes, brochures, or handouts.
What to expect and do to during the event?
- Have fun and be yourself. This is a high energy and positive event.
- Dress appropriately.
- Respect the process. Be cognizant of time and when you hear the signal, end your conversation, then move on to the next. Expect about 3-5 minutes for each round.
- Shake hands and exchange business cards. Use hand sanitizer as needed.
- Have a system for business cards: one pocket for the ones your get and another for the ones you give.
- Bring pen and paper then take notes.
Sample questions for speed-networking (Pick ones that speak to you)
- What made you decide to come to this event?
- Who do you work for and what do you do?
- What is your favorite part of your job?
- How did you get into the role / industry you are in now?
- Did you always know that this is what you wanted to do with your career?
- What is your least favorite part of your job?
- What makes a resume stand out to you?
- What has been your biggest career struggle and how do you overcome it?
- What are your favorite productivity sites, tools, and apps?
- What is your favorite tip for preparing for interviews?
- What has been one of your biggest career accomplishments?
- Do you have any tips for recent grads just starting out?
- Do you have a side hustle?
- What are some of your favorite things to do / watch / read for inspiration?
- Is there anyone else in your network you think I should speak with?
- If you could have dinner with anyone: dead or alive, real or imagined, who would it be and why?
- If you could sit down with your 15-year-old self: what advice would you give?
- What/who influenced your career choice the most?
- What is the best piece of advice you have ever received about your career?
- What do you think of the concept of work-life balance? And how does it apply or not to your life?
- What are your strategies for dealing with criticism?
- How do you celebrate success?
What to do after the event?
- Thank your host and organizers.
- Email or call the individuals you want to connect with within 48 hours of the event.
- Look forward to the next event!
I hope that you enjoy attending these types of events and that they help you with your career goals.
If you are interested in signing up for our Women Empowering Women event, have questions or just found this post helpful, please send me an email at or call (904) 539-9779.
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